You notice your favorite Youtuber with different colored hair almost every week.
Or they had black hair for a long time and now it’s a wild pink or purple.
What gives?
Why are Youtubers dying their hair?
I see this question pop up a lot and I thought I’d give this a shot.
In this post, I’ll get down to what is going on in their heads when they dye their hair a different hair frequently.
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1. To stand out

Most people are born with black and brown hair.
Hair is something you can easily manipulate without major adverse effects. Even if you consider the worst-case scenario, you can always cut it and regrow it. There is no major risk in coloring hair.
And let’s face it, when your favorite Youtuber colors their hair purple, you will notice!
It’s going to make them stick in your head for longer and you are going to talk about it.
Having hair that’s a wild color is the way to go!
I live in India where almost everyone has black hair.
And the other day my boyfriend and I passed by a young boy who had bright forest green hair (dyed obviously) and we wouldn’t stop talking about it.
It was unique, it was bright and it was done really, really well!
Infact, we noticed him again when we were bringing the car around and we turned to take a peek.
Bright hair colors call for attention and it’s very noteworthy.
You can notice one among hundreds because unique hair really stands out!
2. You remember them longer
Most people know Julia Roberts because her hair was red for a long time.
Likewise, Anderson Cooper grayed very early in his 20s. You remember people when they have striking hair.
Unique colors or bright, edgy colors get people talking.
It starts a conversation.
In the online world, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
If it gets people talking, you are technically becoming more famous even if it is for your hair.
This is a great way to make a small change and be remembered for longer.
3. It is edgy

It’s very easy to judge Youtubers but we shouldn’t because we will never understand that kind of pressure unless we are in that position.
It’s not easy to be in front of your camera all day and read comments about your life.
It can eventually get to you.
Every single flaw is accentuated or magnified on Youtube. People call you out for the smallest things.
So, when YouTubers are coloring their hair, they could be doing it because everyone else is doing it and they have a certain pressure that they need to fulfill.
Right now, almost everyone wears makeup before getting on camera – it’s considered the norm.
Likewise, coloring your hair also is considered the norm.
4. They want to distract you
I remember when I had acne as a teenager and couldn’t stand people staring at my face.
I decided to color my hair one day just to get people to not notice my face and look at my hair instead.
I bet I’m not the only one with the same idea.
And if people have problem skin or have difficulty accepting their weight, they may color their hair to feel good about themselves or to get you to start talking about something else.
5. They’re bored
Coloring your own hair is so much fun.
It is the same reason why we love wearing unique clothes or spending our whole lives developing a style that feels right for us.
It’s a way of expressing ourselves and taking it to the next level – hair.
Some people straighten their hair or curl it and some color it because they want to look different or want to experiment with a new style.
There are so many ways to style your hair and it’s by far one of the easiest things to do.
6. It’s been popularized by the media
This is my own opinion but almost every game I played growing up had characters with unique colored hair.
The same goes for Manga or comics.
All of these made my childhood and I too grew up wishing I had pink or green hair sometimes.
It’s a fad.
It’s fun.
It adds so much flair and drama to your character and that’s one of the main reasons I feel a lot of gamers color their hair.
7. It’s part of their identity

Some people genuinely look good with colored hair.
It’s a fact.
I have a friend who always colors her hair bluish-green. I can’t possibly imagine her in anything else.
It’s a part of her identity and it looks great on her!
She coordinates all her outfits to match her hair and you can spot her in a crowd.
Think about something you love about yourself, it’s an important part of who you are, right?
It’s the same with people who love their hair and want it to be the center of their world.
They love tweaking it and experimenting with it and want to make it suit their needs so they experiment with different colors.
This is why most YouTubers are dying their hair.
It makes them feel unique and special.
Think of the last time you loved a song because no one else was listening to it or think of a time when you had a teeshirt that you loved because it was unique and no one around you wore something like it.
It’s kinda like that, but with hair.
Final thoughts
It isn’t easy being on Youtube for a living. The game is constantly changing and if Youtubers don’t keep up, they will fall behind.
It is important to understand that their livelihood depends on them moving fast and keeping up with the trends.
So, if they decide to color their hair, good for them!
Just make sure it doesn’t deter you from watching their content – because, in the end, it’s the quality of their videos that matters.
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