A thought came to you.
Can black people have red hair?
You’ve only ever seen white people with red hair and you’re wondering, is it possible for other ethnic races to have red hair or be ginger?
Especially if they aren’t biracial or have a parent with red hair.
Is it possible then?
I’ve actually done the research for you and I’m going to be including proof so you’ll get a clearer picture.
And in this post, we will be covering whether black people can actually have red hair.
This post also includes some dark history so please be aware of that before reading.
Let’s get right into it.
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Can black people have red hair?
Yes, it is possible for black people to have red hair.
Here are a few things you need to know first:
- People with red hair are extremely rare: Only 1-2% of the whole world’s population are natural redheads.
- A genetic variation of the MC1R gene causes red hair.
- Red hair can occur in individuals of any ethnic background or race. Meaning, not only white people can have red hair.
I’ve covered this in several articles but to recap:
We all have something called melanin (which is responsible for our skin and hair color) and the melanin in our hair is of 2 types:
- Eumelanin is responsible for dark hair like brown or black.
- Pheomelanin is responsible for lighter hair like blonde or red.
So, red hair is caused by the excess production of Pheomelanin which gives hair its red color.
Meaning the MC1R gene will either work properly causing hair to become darker (brunette) or it will be dysfunctional and fail to turn the red pigment to brown – causing a buildup of Pheomelanin which makes the person a natural redhead.
Cool, right?
However, genetics or ancestry is not the only reason that can cause people to have red hair.
There are other reasons too.
And they’re not very widely known.
1. They need not be bi-racial

This is a common misconception.
Most people assume that black people who have red hair have one parent who is of European descent.
This is because black people with red hair are in fact really, really rare.
I’m here to burst that bubble and tell you it is not necessary.
Linda Roberson has answered this question before on Quora stating that she isn’t bi-racial and is a black woman with red hair. She has also provided a photograph in the answer.
This means that her parents aren’t of mixed race – they are both black.
And yes, it is possible for 2 black people to have a child with red hair even if both parents don’t have red hair.
This is because they may be carrying the variation of the MC1R gene which both of them have passed to the child and now the child has red hair.
So, they may have black hair, but the child can have red hair.
Diandra Stewart has also answered this question by posting a photo of her daughter with red hair.
She’s clearly stated that both she and her husband are black and she does have a few family members like her father-in-law, mother-in-law, and a few of her aunts who have red hair.
The takeaway is that a black person can have red hair even if:
- Both parents are black
- Both parents do not have red hair
Now on to the next factor.
2. There is a type of Albinism that causes red hair
Okay, this is going to get a little technical so let me break this down.
Melanin is the pigment that gives color to our skin – it also protects us from sunburn.
The more melanin an individual possesses, the darker their skin becomes.
My partner has very less melanin since he has a Scottish background and is extremely light-skinned.
I however am a biscuit shade due to my Indian descent; which means I have more melanin than he does.
People with more melanin have more protection against the sun’s UV rays and they are less prone to skin cancer.
Let’s cut to the chase: Albinism is a genetic condition that is characterized by little or no melanin production.
Most people who think of Albinos usually picture this:

A person who is completely devoid of Melanin and has white hair, white eyebrows, and white skin.
But there are many types of Albinism and different combinations of hair and eye colors.
Now, one type of Albinism called OCA3 causes Rufous pigmentation.
Rufous pigmentation is a mutation of the TYR1 gene that stabilizes the production of melanin (the pigment that causes color) in the skin.
TYR1 as you guessed is an important gene when it comes to hair and skin color.
Now, because of this mutation, unusual things can happen.
For example, people who have OCA3 Albinism can have copper or red-colored hair, brown or blue eyes, and a bronze skin tone.

So, in short, this type of Albinism (although rare) can cause red hair in black people.
But there is more to it than that.
3. Evolution and history
This is the main reason why black people have red hair – although it’s not talked about often.
Now, it is true that most redheads come from Northern Europe.
But why?
The reason why most white people are likely to have red hair there has more to do with environmental factors than anything else.
Northern Europe is a place with very low sunlight throughout the year.
Low sunlight – means less Vitamin D.
Fun fact: Light-skinned people (redheads specifically) absorb more Vitamin D.
So people there don’t have or need as much Melanin (the pigment that causes the skin to become brown) because they don’t have much sunlight and the people there evolved many years ago.
More people were born redheads as it’s easier for them to absorb the sunlight and get their required dose of Vitamin D.
That is why the countries that have the most Redheads are Scotland and Ireland.
Now, for the kicker, most black people aren’t pure blacks.
There is a mix in almost all of them.
The majority of their ancestry may come from Africa, but a huge percentage of their DNA markup does come from Europeans and Native Americans.
This is morbidly dark, but a lot of black girls were forced to become Concubines in the late 1600s.
You also have to consider Colonialism.
This caused a large number of babies born during that period to have European DNA.
Yes, World History is truly despicable.
But this doesn’t get talked about a lot and I did want to cover it in this answer.
As of now, Black Americans may have about 22% of European DNA and they may be carrying the MC1R gene.

So, yes, every once in a while, you can have an instance of a black person with red hair even though both parents may not have red hair.
It is undoubtedly rare but it is possible and it does happen.
4. Migration and Gene flow

This is another weird fact that not many people are aware of.
Africans and people from the Caribbean have been known to have red hair because red hair carriers in the Caribbean and Africa are mostly due to migration or gene flow.
So, even if a child has both black parents, they may have red hair because of the genes they carry.
However, it is very, very rare.
Because countries that get a lot of sunlight won’t favor light-skinned or red-haired people – since they don’t have much protection against the sun.
It is said that as the temperate increases throughout the globe, the number of redheads will also significantly decrease as Melanin is important for protection against the sun.
Honestly, I urge everyone to get a lineage test.
If you are curious about your ancestor and lineage, do get one done – it’s extremely exciting and surprising to find out where you are truly from.
And these are the 4 main reasons why black people can have red hair.
Some Fun facts about redheads
1. Redheads are really rare

As I mentioned earlier, redheads comprise only 1-2% of the whole population, that’s approximately 140 million people.
Black redheads are even rarer and makeup only 1-2% of the redhead population.
Scottish people have the highest percentage of redheads with 13% (about 35% is said to carry the variation of the MC1R gene) while Ireland has 10% of natural redheads.
2. Red hair can occur in any ethnic group or race

Although Northern Europe has the highest percentage of redheads, red hair can actually occur in any ethnic group – it’s just really rare.
3. Red hair is the most difficult color to get out
If you’ve ever dyed your hair red, you’ll know it’s the most stubborn color to get out.
Blue is the easiest surprisingly.
That’s why redheads struggle to dye their hair any other color because they have to use an insane amount of bleach to lighten their natural red hair and this can damage the hair shaft intensively.
4. Redheads have low hair density

Normally brunettes have around 150,000 hair strands on their head.
Blondes have 110,000.
And redheads have far less – almost 90,000.
5. People with red hair and blue eyes are very rare

The rarest combination in the world is blue eyes and red hair.
Most redheads have brown eyes or green eyes.
6. Redheads are more prone to cancer

As I mentioned before, due to the lack of melanin, they don’t have much protection against UV rays from the sun which is known to cause skin cancer.
So, they (compared to other people) are more prone to skin cancer and have to take a lot of precautions when stepping out into the sun.
They can get sunburnt easily.
This is why you’ll often find Indians and Blacks and Asians who have darker skin rarely sunburnt as compared to people with light hair and light skin.
7. Redheads have better immunity against diseases that are caused by the lack of Vitamin D
Because redheads soak up more vitamin D, they have very good bone health and they are less prone to Osteoporosis or Rickets.
Frequently asked questions
Why are there more redheads in Europe?
Well, it’s Northern Europe to be precise.
35% of people in Ireland and Scotland carry the MC1R gene and 10% of this population has red hair.
However, globally only 1-2% of people have red hair.
So, it is very rare.
The reason why most white people are likely to have red hair there has more to do with environmental factors.
Northern Europe is a place with very low sunlight throughout the year.
Low sunlight – means less Vitamin D.
Fun fact: Light-skinned people (redheads specifically) absorb more Vitamin D.
So people there don’t have or need as much Melanin (the pigment that causes the skin to become brown) and the people there evolved many years ago. More people were born redheads as it’s easier for them to absorb the sunlight and get their required dose of Vitamin D.
That is why the countries that have the most Redheads are Scotland and Ireland.
What races can have red hair?
A person of any race and ethnic background can have red hair.
They needn’t necessarily have an ancestor from the European lineage.
The mutation of the MC1R gene causes red hair and if they have excessive Pheomelanin, they can have red hair.
Apart from genetics, they could also have red hair due to other reasons like:
- Both their parents are carrying the gene: The parents might have black hair but if they are carrying the gene, it is possible for the child to have red hair.
- Hormones: Oestrogen hugely affects melanin production in the hair and stress or hormone changes can fluctuate Oestrogen and change the hair’s color to red.
- Nutrient deficiency: A person not getting enough nutrition can experience a change in hair color and texture.
Can black people be blonde?
There is a sub-region of Oceania in the southwestern Pacific Ocean where blonde hair and dark skin is very common.
I’ve even seen a lot of Indians with blonde hair so I know that anyone can have blonde hair.
Here are some more posts you may enjoy if you’re curious about red hair: